Merkato CPQ

Structured configuration based on your knowledge and needs

Capture your entire portfolio knowledge in one place.

Easily translate your complex product, sales and sales engineering knowledge into structured configurators for your business.

Your configurators are designed to help you sell and are entirely tailored to your business. They boost your customer-specific sales channels and ensure error-free, fast processes.

The image below shows the ins and outs of your configurators.

A controlled, correct way to sell

Merkato enables sellers of complex products or services to optimise and streamline their whole sales and
order-intake process.

Product configurators support your sales team by easily translating the demands of your customers into the perfect end-product within your offering. Thanks to the predefined knowledge of your entire portfolio, Merkato smoothly navigates all possibilities and generates the desired outcome.

Sales configurators support your sales team by accurately calculating an up-to-date price for every possible configuration. Once the configuration is finished, Merkato generates a correct, personalised and ready-for-sign-off quote with a click of a button.

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Innovation Icon - Company Webflow Template

Simple interfacing

Merkato has a simple, clear and very interactive user interface. Merkato makes it easy to optimally build and structure your configurators for your salespeople. Your configurators show exactly what is needed at that moment.

Innovation Icon - Company Webflow Template

Easy documentation

Supporting information such as specification sheets, drawings, movies, references and examples can easily be integrated into your product and sales configurator.  

Innovation Icon - Company Webflow Template

Visual configuration

Provide visual 2D- or 3D-configuration for your offering. Merkato automatically ads the visual representation of the project to your quotation document.

Convincing customers has never been easier.

Knowledge management, automation and an unprecedented short 'time to quote'

I want to save time

Once the most suitable product is linked to the customer, all technical and financial results are immediately visible.

After a smooth configuration process, all necessary customer-specific documents are available right away.
Documents are always error-free and can be generated in any language.
- e.g. the quotation, sales order, production order...

No more double data entry: Merkato automatically syncs all data with the right applications.
Your configurator functions as the interface between your CRM, ERP and CAD.
- e.g. proposals added to the right opportunity in CRM, order-entry in your ERP, generation of CAD drawings...

Merkato ensures error-free processes and turns days or weeks of work into hours and even minutes.

Our configurator live in action

The live preview below shows what a Merkato configurator can look like.

While using it you will notice that you cannot continue to the next section without completing the mandatory information in the current section. Some selections needs to be made in the menu on the left, while other options require confirmation in the picture on the right. When indicating particular functionality is required, the corresponding product is shown in the picture. The picture can be rotated to show from all angles the result of all options made.

Although configurators can be equipped with 2D/3D visuals, many do not need this. Often simple textual configurators show a better (online) performance while doing exactly what they're supposed to: guiding the user to the right selections and creating that winning quote!

This is to give you an example of how you can guide your sellers and buyers to follow the path that you want them to in order to get to the best engineered solution that corresponds to the buyer's needs in the fastest way. Anything is customisable and everything can be adapted, to make sure it responds to all your requirements.

What is CPQ?

Get an accurate quote for any product configuration


By capturing the customer's needs, the system immediately indicates what the possibilities are, taking into account required products & components as well as variations and options. The result of the current selections can be visualised using 2D- & 3D-drawings and pictures.

Price, or Calculate

The technical and financial consequences of all selections made are calculated automatically. These outcomes and their pricing can be shown on-the-go and/or be kept in the background to be used in additional calculations.

Quote, or Document

All inputs and results can be used to prepare follow-up documents such as quotations, sales orders and production information like a bill of material with a snap of the finger (or just select the button, for that matter). All documents can be tailored to fully comply with your house style to impress their recipients.